What to look for to spot skin cancer early

What to look for to spot skin cancer early 

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, but it's also the easiest to cure if caught early on. The Skin Cancer Foundation says that each year in the United States, more than 3.3 million people are treated for nonmelanoma skin cancer, and this year 76,380 new melanoma cases are expected.
Nonmelanoma skin cancer is the most common kind of skin cancer, and it forms in the top layers of the skin. Often, this cancer manifests as small areas that are small, raised, smooth or red or skin that is rough, red and scaly, according to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Dana Farber also explains that melanoma, which people often associate with skin cancer, is actually much more rare and deadly. This type of skin cancer develops in the lower layers of the skin and can be spotted as changes in the appearance of moles or even a discolored area of the skin.
It's very important to treat both types of skin cancer early on, so understanding the signs and symptoms as well as performing self-exams are the keys to good health.

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