Acupressure points that help relieve anxiety

Acupressure points that help relieve anxiety

Anxiety, as defined by Meriam-Webster Dictionary, is "painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind usually over an impending or anticipated ill." It is part of being human as people face the challenges of life and the unknowns of the future. Although it is not pleasant, good can come from it.  The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) states, "Anxiety helps us get out of harm’s way and prepare for important events, and it warns us when we need to take action."

> Although anxiety may be helpful in life, too much anxiety can create problems. Anxiety Centre says that anxiety can cause headaches, heart palpitations, an upset stomach, chest pains, dizziness, shooting pains and insomnia. These are just some of the side effects of anxiety. Rather than taking medication to deal with the problems that create anxiety, acupressure offers to help relieve anxiety through massaging a few key points.

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