Wrap your feet in cabbage and see the surprising results!

Wrap your feet in cabbage and see the surprising results! 

We all know the pain and discomfort of swollen feet. Whether from a plane ride or pregnancy, an injury or simply standing too long, swollen feet is a common ailment. Beyond throwing yourself on your bed after a long day, there are a number of home remedies that can bring much needed relief. 
It is important to note that swollen feet, when accompanied by other symptoms like high blood pressure, change in skin color, or a fever, can be a sign of a much bigger problem. If swollen feet is just one of your symptoms, it is important to call a doctor. Otherwise, grab a package of Epsom salts and a bottle of water. Relief is just moments away! 
1. Epsom Salt Soak. Pour a few cups of Epsom salts into a shallow bucket or bathtub full of water and relax as your fatigued feet soak for 15- 20 minutes. According to Active Beat, Epsom salts help reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. They also rid feet of odor and soothe dry skin.
2. Baking powder paste. Make a soothing ointment for your feet using ingredients guaranteed to be in your pantry. Let How recommends boiling rice with two tablespoons of baking powder. Once the solution has cooled, apply the resulting paste to your swollen feet. 
3. Tonic water soak. Tonic water is made with quinine, a natural anti-inflammatory. Soaking your feet in tonic water that is either cold or at room temperature can provide magical relief, according to Naturalon. Plus, the bubbly carbonation has a nice tingly effect that will bring life back to your tired feet. 
4. Drink water. Sometimes something as simple as drinking water can be all you need to solve a health issue. According to Active Beat, when your body does not get enough water, it starts to retain its own. This can lead to swollen feet. If you drink eight to ten glasses of water a day, you will flush toxins from your body and prevent swelling from dehydration. 
5. Cabbage wrap. Cool white or green cabbage leaves in the freezer until they are chilled but still pliable. Wrap them around your swollen feet and sit with your feet elevated for 30 minutes. The cabbage will draw out excess fluid and bring relief to your sore feet, according to Let How
6. Eucalyptus foot bath. Eucalyptus has properties that reduce swelling and relieve pain, according to Active Beat. Add a few drops to a foot bath and soak your feet for 15- 20 minutes. You can also add anti-inflammatory essential oils like chamomile and lavender. Not only will your feet feel better, but you will also feel relaxed as a result of the soothing aromas.
7. Cold compress. Ice is an age-old remedy for swelling and pain reduction. Wrap ice cubes or crushed ice in a wet towel and apply the cold compress directly to the swollen areas, according to Let How. You will feel relief in no time. 
8. Magnesium supplements. The mineral magnesium is essential for good blood circulation, according to Ayurvedic Cure. If you think a magnesium deficiency, and thus poor blood circulation, is the cause of your swollen feet, you can take a supplement of 200 mg twice daily. It is also a good idea to eat more magnesium-rich foods, such as dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, fish and avocado, according to Everyday Health
By applying one or more of these home remedies, you will soon find relief for your tired, swollen feet. 
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