8 Simple Tricks to Improve Your Eyesight Without Laser Surgery or Glasses

There are simple tricks that you can adopt in providing relief for your strained eyes and in improving your vision

1. Give your eyes some much needed rest

Just stay away from the screen of your computer, TV or handheld device, including your mobile phone. You can shut your eyes for a few minutes within every hour.

2. Keep your prescription glasses in its case

Now I know you can’t see objects that are far off without your glasses and maybe you need them to read.
But when at home do you really need them to see objects far off?
Or are you constantly reading? I am sure your not, so keep your glasses in its casing especially when there is no need for it.

3. Try eye massage

Try gently rubbing your eye socket area and your temple. Do this simple massage to ease the strain on your eyes, it works like a charm.

4. Apply the 20-20-20 rule

This simple rule could make a significant difference in the outcome of your vision. Just take a well deserved break from viewing your TV, mobile phone or computer screen every 20 minutes and look at an object preferably from nature, a tree perhaps that is 20 feet away and do this for 20 seconds.

5. Take a break and go outdoors

Spend more time looking at natural forming objects. Looking at things from nature with their natural colours and shapes will help your eyes greatly.

6. Try to use a warm compress

With a warm damp clean cloth gently compress your eye area to relieve the stress and strain of the day. It is preferable that this be done at night when you are relaxed.

7. Improve your diet

Eat more food that are rich in vitamin A such as potatoes and carrots. Carrots are especially good if you are concerned about your weight and they can be a nice crunchy snack a great alternative to unhealthy snacks high in cholesterol.

8. You can also exercise your eyes

There are charts available with the sole purpose of providing meaningful exercise to your eyes. These charts will help train your eyes on focus and vision and can help you in making out objects quicker and with great accuracy

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