Signs and symptoms of rosacea and how to treat it

Signs and symptoms of rosacea and how to treat it 

Rosacea is a common skin condition that leaves those affected with red bumpy skin, and often feeling uncomfortable. WebMD says the skin condition doesn't just leave your forehead, cheeks, and chin read and covered in little bumps - it can also leave your eyes dry, and sore. Anyone can develop rosacea, but it most commonly occurs in middle aged white women.
Because rosacea leaves little bumps on the skin, it can be mistaken for acne or even an allergic reaction. The Mayo Clinic says the skin condition also comes in flares - so it might appear for weeks, or even months, then disappear altogether. If rosacea is left untreated, the condition can worsen, so it's important to understand the signs and symptoms so you can talk to your doctor and get proper treatment. 
Like many conditions, the root cause of rosacea is unknown. Doctors believe that it is a combination of genetics, and environmental factors that bring on the skin condition. But, the Mayo Clinic says there are some common triggers that can bring out rosacea:
- Hot foods or beverages
- Spicy foods
- Alcohol
- Extreme heat, or extreme cold
- Sunlight
- Stress, anger or embarrassment
- Strenuous exercise
- Hot baths or saunas
- Corticosteroids, such as prednisone
- Drugs that dilate blood vessels, including some blood pressure medications
The Mayo Clinic says the signs and symptoms you need to look out for are:
1. Redness in the face: Rosacea usually causes redness in the middle of the face, usually caused by tiny blood vessels in the nose and cheeks to becoming visible.
2. Small red bumps: The bumps might resemble acne, and even contain pus like pimples. The bumps can also cause your face to feel tender, and warm.
3. Irritated eyes: Irritated, swollen, and red eyes affect about half of rosacea patients. 
4. Swollen looking nose: Somewhat rare, and more common in men, rosacea can cause the nose to look bulbous (a condition known as rhinophyma).
If you experience any of these signs of symptoms, you should see a doctor or a dermatologist for diagnosis, and proper treatment.
Treating rosacea 
Rosacea can't be cured, so WebMD explains that it's about managing symptoms and avoid flares and triggers.
Managing rosacea symptoms:
Breakouts can be managed with antibiotics, or prescription creams
- Blood vessel redness can be treated with lasers
- Dry, sensitive skin should be protected with sunscreen, and moisturizing lotions
- Irritated eyes can be treated with artificial tear drops
- Thickened, bumpy skin can be treated with cosmetic surgery for the most severe cases
Avoiding rosacea triggers:

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