8 surprising ways to naturally heal and revive skin. Did you know about #7?

8 surprising ways to naturally heal and revive skin. Did you know about #7?

Every teenager has it. Some of us (okay, most of us) still suffer from it.
We're talking about acne.
When the acne finally clears, we're often left with acne scars. The cycle can feel exhausting and endless
Luckily, there are a number of home remedies that can heal acne scars and make you want to touch and look at your skin all day long.
1. Egg whites. Eggs are packed with proteins and amino acids that can actually tighten pores, preventing new breakouts, while lightening old scars. To use this home remedy, Heal Dove recommends whipping egg whites from 3 eggs until they are fluffy and white. Gently spread the egg white onto your skin using your fingers or a cotton ball. Take time to rub the egg white into problem areas. Let the egg white dry and then rinse with warm water. Repeat this home remedy 2 to 3 times weekly for best results.
2. Tomato. Everyone's heard of placing cucumber slices over your eyes, but tomato slices on your face? According to the WordPress site, "Get Rid of Acne Scars," sitting with tomatoes on the face for just 15 minutes can reduce the appearance of acne scars. This is because tomatoes contain lycopene and malice acid, both of which help the body create new skin cells.
3. Honey. Honey is one of the healthiest products available. It is naturally anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. When applied topically, it can effectively remove acne-causing microbes, says Organic Facts. It is also regenerative and can make your skin nice and smooth. Simply rub a layer of honey into the skin and relax as it does its magic. You can experiment by adding cinnamon, yogurt, turmeric, lavender essential oil or tea tree oil to see which combination works best for your skin.
4. Olive oil. Vitamin-rich olive oil is a powerhouse against aging. Olive oil does not clog pores and has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent and treat acne scaring. Incorporate olive oil into your daily skin routine by using it to remove makeup, or follow the advice of Heal Dove and give yourself an olive oil face steam. To do this, gently massage olive oil into the skin, concentrating on problem areas. Once the pores are saturated, drape a warm washcloth over the face. Relax until the washcloth is no longer warm. Remove it and gently wipe away the excess water. You can repeat this process one more time before rinsing the face with cold water.
5. Lemon. The citric, lactic, and glycol acids in lemon juice are known to increase collagen production, says Heal Dove. More collagen in the skin means less visible acne scars. Lemon has the double benefit of being a natural disinfectant against acne-causing bacteria. To use this home remedy, wash the face with a mild soap. Squeeze the juice from 1 to 3 lemons into a bowl and then using a cotton ball, lightly dab the juice onto the scars 2 to 3 times weekly.
6. Aloe vera. The soothing gel of aloe vera is a natural boost to the immune system, which is necessary for regenerating acne scar tissue, reports Heal Dove. Rubbing the gel from an aloe vera plant (you can grow one at home!) into your face just once a week can heal scars and prevent future breakouts.
7. Mint. Crushing anti-oxidant-rich mint leaves and applying the extracted juice to acne scars can tone the skin and help heal scars, saysLetHow.
8. Potato. This less likely home remedy is effective because potatoes have wondrous antibacterial properties and also works to remove dead skin cells, explains LetHow. Using this home remedy can reveal a not-yet seen layer of beautiful, healthy skin. To use this home remedy, simply rub a raw potato slice into acne scars.
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