Homemade soak for strong nails

Homemade soak for strong nails

If you have brittle nails that break easily, you may want to try a nail soak. New Zealand-based YouTube star and beauty guru Ela Gale shares her favorite home remedy for strong, long, beautiful nails.
Gale's nail soak requires 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice, 1 clove crushed garlic, and 1/4 cup olive oil.
Simply begin by combining the orange juice and crushed garlic. Soak your nails in the mixture for 15 minutes. Rinse your nails in water and then soak them for 5 minutes in straight extra virgin olive oil.
For the best results, Gale recommends soaking your nails twice a week. She remarks that the nail soak not only makes your nails grow in faster and stronger, but it also makes your skin silky smooth.
Meghan Carlson of Julep says that in addition to nail soaks, you can strengthen your nails by wearing gloves when washing dishes, drinking lots of water, and avoiding alcohol-based hand sanitizers. You can also try a nail strengthening soak made from 1 tablespoon honey, 1/4 cup milk, and 2 beaten egg yolks, as recommended by Natural Nail Care Recipes.
How do you care for your nails? Tell us and SHARE this article on social media!Simply begin by combining the orange juice and crushed garlic. Soak your nails in the mixture for 15 minutes. Rinse your nails in water and then soak them for 5 minutes in straight extra virgin olive oil.
For the best results, Gale recommends soaking your nails twice a week. She remarks that the nail soak not only makes your nails grow in faster and stronger, but it also makes your skin silky smooth.
Meghan Carlson of Julep says that in addition to nail soaks, you can strengthen your nails by wearing gloves when washing dishes, drinking lots of water, and avoiding alcohol-based hand sanitizers. You can also try a nail strengthening soak made from 1 tablespoon honey, 1/4 cup milk, and 2 beaten egg yolks, as recommended by Natural Nail Care Recipes.
How do you care for your nails? Tell us and SHARE this article on social media!

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