How to practice basic reflexology on your ear

How to practice basic reflexology on your ear

Feeling stressed? You may want to skip the full body massage and opt for ear reflexology instead. Richard Randig, a board certified relexologist focuses on different pressure points within the ear to relieve stress and ease symptoms in other areas of the body. 
Integrative Health suggests that ear massage may help with multiple health issues including pain relief and addiction. 

Randig says this type of massage works well because the ears are so close to the brain. In the video at the end of the article, he describes specific techniques to maximize the benefits of this practice. 
If you don't have time (or the money) to head to a professional, you can perform some reflexology techniques on your own, according toReflexology Map. 
Benefits of fruit infused water
According to Acqua Blend and Lose Weight by Eating
- Improves your mood
- Keeps you hydrated
- Boosts metabolism
- Helps you maintain a healthy weight if you opt for fruit water instead of sugary drinks
- Gives your body more energy through the vitamins in the fruit
- Soothes stomach problems (citrus- and mint-infused water)
- Satisfies sweet tooth cravings
- Flushes toxins from your system
- Fills you up
- Helps your body release fat cells for water weight loss
- Keeps other food moving through your system due to fruit's fiber content
- Keeps your organs healthy while you’re sweating
- Reduces muscle fatigue while you're working out
- Helps you recuperate faster post-workout
- Keeps your energy up in the afternoon
Recipe ideas: 
1. Cucumber citrus water
This fresh-fruit-infused drink will energize you, boost your metabolism and even settle your stomach. Packed with lime, cucumber, grapefruit and fresh mint, this drink will also keep you hydrated and refreshed. For the full recipe, check out the Budget Savvy Diva.
2. Apple cinnamon waterApples and cinnamon boost the metabolism, so combining them in some nice, crisp cold water you can sip on all day will do your body a whole lot of good. Johns of Lose Weight by Eating explains that apples are rich in vitamins C and B, and the phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples might reduce your risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. Cinnamon is also packed with amazing benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and fighting diabetes.
For the full recipe, and to find out which apples are best for this fruit water, check out Lose Weight By Eating.
3. Strawberry, citrus, cinnamon water
To curb cravings for sweets, and keep your complexion nice and clear, Blogilates Designs suggests this strawberry-citrus-cinnamon water. The lemon aids digestion, the cinnamon manages your blood sugar levels and satisfies your cravings, and the strawberries are packed with skin-healthy properties like biotin and antioxidants.  
For the full recipe, check out Blogilates Designs.
4. Blueberry orange water
Blueberries are packed with antioxidants and fiber and are even said to help reduce your chances of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI). Oranges are packed with that citrus flavor that is so good in water, but without all the pucker and sourness of lemons or limes. Plus, oranges give you all the vitamin C your body is craving.
For the full recipe, check out the Peach Kitchen.
5. Mango ginger water
This fruit water recipe isn't as widely popular as the rest, and that's why we think it's a great little health secret. Mangoes and ginger are incredible for boosting your metabolism, but they also have some amazing healing properties.
Ginger is a natural pain reliever, and it helps reduce morning and motion sickness, as well as helps treat heart burn. Johns of Lose Weight by Eating also points out that mangoes promote healthy digestion, boost memory and even increase your sex drive. 

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