Plus besoin d’aller chez le dentiste, mettez CECI dans votre dent…C’est une pure magie !

Plus besoin d’aller chez le dentiste, mettez CECI dans votre dent…C’est une pure magie !

Il nous est tous déjà arrivé d’avoir une douleur de dents atroce. Ce genre de douleur nous empêche de dormir tranquillement et parfois nous sommes dans l’incapacité de nous concentrer sur quoi que ce soit.
Si vous n’avez pas trouvé de remède pour vos douleurs dentaires, nous partageons avec vous un remède des plus efficaces. Il est vrai que les douleurs dentaires ne préviennent pas, et elles peuvent arriver un dimanche matin. Le dentiste fermé, vous n’avez pas d’autre choix que de souffrir. Mais grâce au remède que nous proposons vous pourrez enfin vous soigner et cela de manière naturelle.
Nous vous proposons de découvrir le remède. Pour cela il faudra vous munir de :
  • De la poudre de Girofle
  • De l’huile de noix de coco
Voici comment procéder :
  1. Il faudra vous munir d’un bol
  2. Mélangez dans le bol une demi-cuillère à café de chaque ingrédient
  3. Après avoir obtenu une pâte appliquez-la sur la dent douloureuse
Vous serez rapidement soulagé. L’eugénol contenu dans le clou de girofle atténuera considérablement la douleur tandis que l’huile de coco éliminera les bactéries. Vous pouvez tout aussi bien mâcher des morceaux de noix de coco pour calmer la douleur

Signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

Signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome  

Chronic fatigue syndrome at its core is a disorder that leaves a person feeling extremely tired. Causes of chronic fatigue syndrome remain unclear, and symptoms related to the disorder are not ameliorated with increased rest. The Mayo Clinic explains that CFS is also characterized by not being able to be explained by another underlying medical condition. 
There is no cure for CFS, and diagnosing it can be difficult as well because there's not a test to confirm a diagnosis. Another problem with CFS is that doctors also aren't sure what causes the syndrome, although many think it can be a combination of factors. If you recognize any of the signs or symptoms below, it's important to reach out to your doctor so that she can help figure out what might be causing your chronic fatigue. 
The causes of CFS still aren't clear, but WebMD says doctors believe that chronic fatigue syndrome might start after a viral sickness or a major physical or emotional trauma. The Mayo Clinic also explains that hormone imbalances from the hypothalamus, pituitary glands or adrenal glands might also be a trigger. Immune system problems might also trigger CFS, but researchers haven't found anything conclusive yet.
The Mayo Clinic says that there are eight official tell-tale signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue:
- Fatigue
- Memory loss or inability to concentrate
- Sore throat
- Enlarged lymph nodes in your neck or armpits
- Unexplained muscle pain
- Pain that moves from one joint to another but with no swelling or redness
- Headache of a new type, pattern or severity
- Sleep that does not refresh
- Extreme exhaustion lasting longer than 24 hours after physical or mental exercise
Since doctors don't know what causes CFS, they can't cure it. However, you can treat symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Treatments might include:
Antidepressants. Many times people with CFS are also depressed, so treating the depression can help with some of the problems that come along with the illness.
Sleeping pills. Sometimes sleep can be a problem with CFS, so your doctor might prescribe some sleeping aids to catch some proper zzz's.

Therapy. The Mayo Clinic explains that some of the best treatment for CFS is a combination of light exercise and psychological counseling. In conjunction with your physician or physical therapist, you might create a personalized graded exercise regimen. Your doctor might also suggest seeking counseling to help you regain more control over your life. 

Acupressure points for mental energy balancing

Acupressure points for mental energy balancing

Depending on what is going on in life, people often find that what they have left to do and how much mental energy they have left for those tasks appears to be unequal. Sometimes the tasks seem overwhelming; and the more frazzled people become, the less they are able to focus on the tasks at hand. Feeling overwhelmed seems to be more and more common the busier life becomes states that the ancient Chinese discovered over 5,000 years ago that by applying pressure to specific areas of the body, certain ailments could be healed, concentration could be improved, and overall health and well-being could be bettered. By manipulating key pressure points throughout the day, you may be able to better renew your mental energy and clear your mind so that you can be more productive.

What acupressure points help renew mental energy?
According to Inspire Portal, GV20, GB14, GV24.5 and GV26 can all be massaged either separately or together and may help calm your mind and focus your thoughts. To help improve memory, mental clarity and concentration GV20 may help. GB14 may also help with memory. To improve creativity, mental focus and ground yourself, the recommendation is to massage GV26.
How does point GV 24.5 work? 
GV24.5, according to Acupressure Wellness, is supposed to be the "home of the thoughts, knowledge, imagination, intuition, vision . . . ." Gentle pressure applied with the the middle finger is supposed to calm the mind, clarify ideas and increase intuition. recommends applying pressure to GV24.5 and GV20 at the same time for two to three minutes before you get out of bed in the morning. 

What else can you do to help renew mental energy?
Besides using acupressure, Shift shares a number of ways to increase mental energy and focus. First on the list is to stop trying to "multitask," which it says is a myth. Simply focusing on the task at hand until it is done is less tasking on the brain. Also, removing clutter from your working space helps make you more focused. Making sure that the sound that surrounds you while you are working is not a distraction, but a help, is also important. Some people need silence, while others need music. Find out how you work best and capitalize on it. Finally, make sure you eat correctly. The vitamins, sugars and proteins you take in affect how well your brain concentrates and recalls information. All of these items are fairly simple to apply, but the benefits to be reaped can be huge. Mental energy is probably one of the earth's truly renewable energy resources.

Acupuncture recommends stimulating the base of the skull with an ice cube

Acupuncture recommends stimulating the base of the skull with an ice cube

You may have heard of feng shui, which is the Chinese practice of creating more energy by placing furniture and other objects in certain positions, according to HGTV, but have you ever heard of feng fu? 

The Chinese practices of acupuncture and acupressure use a similar belief system, paired with the study of pressure points, to help increase your energy, improve sleep, relieve pain and perhaps even reduce symptoms from certain diseases, Start of Happiness says. 

This practice involving the feng fu point is used as part of Chinese acupuncture, but can easily be incorporated into your routine at home. Using only an ice cube on the back of your neck, feng fu is said to help fight off colds, boost your breathing and promote more inner peace, according to Hit the News. 
Stimulating the feng fu
To begin, Start of Happiness recommends that you sit, leaning forward, or lie flat on your stomach. Using your fingers, find the feng fu spot which is located in the hollow space between your two neck muscles at the base of your skull. 

Place an ice cube on this spot and hold it in place (or let it sit there if you are lying down) for 20 minutes. That's it. 
The initial cold feeling may be jarring at first, but after about a half minute, the cold sensation should be replaced by a hotter feeling at the feng fu point, Start of Happiness says. Try applying ice to your feng fu spot once or twice a week for maximum benefits. 

Pregnant women and individuals that suffer from epilepsy, schizophrenia or have a pacemaker are advised to skip this practice, according to Start of Happiness.  
Have you tried this? What do you think? Share your experience with us in the comments below. 

Natural ways to stimulate hair growth and healthy hair

Natural ways to stimulate hair growth and healthy hair
Hair loss is one of the less fortunate facts of life. All sorts of things can cause hair loss. Medication, illness, infection, and chemicals can be the source of the problem, says WebMD. And of course, age is another nasty culprit. Most people will be surprised to learn that they lose a staggering 50 to 100 strands of hair every single day. But if you start waking up and seeing hair on your pillow or if you notice bigger than usual clumps in the shower, then it may be time to think about a home remedy to hair loss. 
People have been fighting hair loss for centuries. The History Channel lists solutions by ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. These include recipes that require the hoof of a donkey, opium, and horse teeth, respectively. While we do not recommend any of the methods used by Cleopatra, Hippocrates, or Caesar, we do suggest solutions by modern day bloggers and researchers that use ingredients you most likely already have in your kitchen. 
1. Coconut milk. The vitamin E and fats found in coconut milk make it a super moisturizer. Coconut milk also contains potassium, which is essential in promoting hair growth, and antibacterial properties that prevents hair from damage. Style Craze suggests coating your scalp with coconut milk and then wrapping your hair in a towel. Leave the coconut milk on for 20 minutes and then rinse your hair with cold water. Following the treatment, wash your hair with shampoo. 
2. Onion juice. Onions are full of sulphur, a key ingredient in hair growth that works because it increases collagen production. The Health Site recommends chopping an onion and squeezing out its juice. Apply the juice directly to your scalp and let it seep in for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair with a mild shampoo and let your hair air dry. For best results, use this home remedy twice weekly.  
3. Greek yogurt and honey mask. Greek yogurt is full of moisturizing vitamin B5, protein, and probiotics, while honey has antibacterial properties that will protect your hair from further damage. To make the mask as suggested by Style Craze, mix 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey. Squeeze the juice from one lemon into the solution and mix thoroughly until a paste forms. Use a hair dye brush to apply the mask to your scalp and hair, reaching all the way to the roots. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
4. Potatoes. Potatoes may seem like one of the more boring vegetables. But in fact, they are nutrition powerhouses. The potassium, vitamin C, and iron in potatoes are all important in maintaining strong, healthy hair. Style Craze recommends pureeing raw potato and straining the puree into a bowl using a muslin cloth. Add a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of water to the resulting potato juice and mix well. Apply the solution to your scalp and hair. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes and then wash using a mild shampoo. 
5. Garlic. Garlic, like its kitchen counterpart onion, contains sulphur, says The Health Site. To use this home remedy, crush a few cloves of garlic and put them in a pan with coconut oil. Turn the heat up to bring the coconut oil to a boil. After a few minutes, remove the pan from the heat and let the solution cool. Massage the garlic-infused oil into your scalp. Leave the solution in for 30 minutes and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. 

6. Lemon juice. Lemon is a natural astringent that can help close the pores in your scalp and thus prevent hair from falling out. This home remedy is especially helpful if you have oily hair, says Style Craze. Make a lemon rinse by mixing the juice from 2- 3 lemons with warm water. After washing your hair in the morning, pour the lemon rinse over your head and massage it into your scalp. Leave the mixture in for 5 minutes and then rinse with cool water. Do this once or twice a week for best results. 
7. Egg. You know the rotten egg smell? That's sulphur. The high sulphur content in eggs, as well as their rich reserves of phosphorus, selenium, iodine, zinc, and protein, make eggs hair growth miracles. The Health Sitesays to prevent hair loss, mix the egg white from one egg with a teaspoon of olive oil. Beat the egg white and olive oil together until you obtain a paste-like consistency. Massage your scalp with the mixture. Be sure to also coat your hair all the way to the ends. Leave the mask on for 15- 20 minutes before rinsing with cold water and a mild shampoo. 
8. Aloe vera. Studies at North Dakota State University have found aloe vera to be effective in preventing hair loss. This is because aloe vera has properties that help rebalance the pH level of the scalp. When the pH level is balanced, your scalp is a healthy environment from which hair can grow. For the best effects, rub the gel from an actual aloe vera plant into your hair and scalp.

Natural ways to treat dandruff and itchy scalp

Natural ways to treat dandruff and itchy scalp

An itchy, flaky scalp is one of the most irritating ailments. Yet, dandruff is one of the most common skin problems. According to PillWatch, dandruff affects nearly half the population Those flakes of white skin that fall on people's clothes and shoulders are dead skin cells that have shed in order to make room for new, healthy skin cells. This is a normal and healthy process, but for people with dandruff, the skin on their scalp renews more often and at a faster pace.
While dandruff is not painful or harmful, nor is it contagious, it can be bothersome, especially when an affected person wears dark clothing or awakes to find his or her pillow speckled with unattractive flakes. Luckily, there are several natural home remedies to treat dandruff. You can find most of the below ingredients in your pantry. So what are you waiting for? Try one of these organic solutions today!
1. Apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a magical ingredient used to treat everything from acid reflux to leg cramps. According to Dr. Oz, it is also effective at treating dandruff. This is because apple cider vinegar can change the pH of your scalp. To use this home remedy, mix a quart-cup of apple cider vinegar with a quarter-cup of water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray your hair and scalp. Wrap your head in a towel and let the treatment soak into your hair for 15 minutes to an hour. Remove the towel and wash your hair. Dr. Oz recommends using this life hack twice weekly as an alternative to store-bought anti-dandruff shampoos riddled with chemicals. 
2. Lemon. Similar to using apple cider vinegar to balance the pH level of your scalp, you can use lemon for the same effect. Reader's Digestrecommends massaging 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into the scalp and then rinsing with water. Follow this treatment with a rinse made from 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 cup of water. Repeat daily until you no longer see little white flakes falling from your scalp. 
3. Mouthwash. This treatment may make your hair smell minty, butHairsentinal swears by the home remedy. The hair loss website was not the first to come up with the solution, however. In fact, between the 1930s and 50s, Listerine was actually marketed as a cure for dandruff. It works because Listerine and other mouthwashes are essentially anti-fungal treatments. To use this home remedy, mix 1/2 cup of mouthwash with 1/2 cup of water. Pour the solution on clean, towel-dried hair. Massage the mixture into the scalp and let it set for at least 5 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. You can also use a cotton pad to apply the solution directly to affected areas of the scalp, as to avoid drying out your hair. 
4. Baking soda. Reader's Digest recommends shampooing your hair with a handful of baking soda in order to reduce the overactive fungi that can cause dandruff. Don't be afraid to scrub hard. Think of the baking soda as an exfoliant to remove all dead skin cells and reveal a smooth, healthy scalp. After a few weeks, you will notice less flakes and softer hair. 
5. Garlic. It is easy to be skeptical of a home remedy that has the potential to make your hair smell like garlic, but Health With Food has devised a simple, homemade formula that neutralizes the harsh scent. Mash 6 garlic cloves using a garlic press and let them sit in a bowl for 10 to 15 minutes, giving the garlic enough time to form allicin, a natural dandruff-fighting compound. Add 7 tablespoons of honey to the crushed garlic and mix well. Rub the mixture into your scalp and let it marinate for 5 to 10 minutes. Follow by washing your hair and scalp with your regular anti-dandruff shampoo. Your anti-dandruff shampoo will get an extra boost and you won't be left with any garlicy smell.
6. Olive oil. Olive oil is a potent natural moisturizer. According to Livestrong, you can massage it into your hair and let it soak into your scalp overnight for a particularly strong treatment. Livestrong recommends wearing a shower cap to bed in order to protect your sheets from staining. 
7. Coconut oil. Cold-pressed virgin coconut oil can be a life saver for people with dandruff, according to Crunch Betty. It's effective because the oil is moisturizing and has antibacterial properties as to both fight and protect against dandruff. Crunch Betty recommends massaging 3-5 tablespoons of coconut oil into the scalp when the hair is dry. Leave it in for one hour and then shampoo as normal, skipping conditioner. To treat a particularly bad case of dandruff, make this part of your beauty routine everyday for 5- 7 days. At the end of one week, it is possible you will be dandruff free. 
8. Salt. Reader's Digest recommends using the same table salt you use to season steaks to scrub the dandruff from your scalp. Simply shake salt onto your dry scalp and then massage it into your hair. Rub the particularly dry areas to strip away dandruff and reveal beautiful smooth skin. Follow the treatment by shampooing as you would normally. 
With these home remedies, you can be dandruff free. Each body is unique and every solution has a different effect. Try several and see which one works for you!

The many uses of olive oil in home remedies

The many uses of olive oil in home remedies
Olive oil has long been used for its amazing health benefits. Mayo Clinicexplains the main reason olive oil is so healthy is because it is a monounsaturated fatty acid. In other words, olive oil is a "good" fat. It is different from the "bad" fats that come in the form of saturated and trans fats. Simply replacing butter with olive oil in recipes can make a world of a difference to your overall health. 
Mayo Clinic does warn however, that olive oil and other healthy fats are high in calories. So like everything else, it should only be consumed in moderation. This does not mean you should not stock up on your favorite brand! Because not only can olive oil be consumed, but it can also be used topically. Continue reading to learn all the incredible health benefits of olive oil! 
1. Dry skin. Ditch the expensive moisturizer and head to the oil aisle. The Health Site says massaging dry skin with olive oil can make your skin baby smooth. Olive oil is especially good for locking moisture in the elbows and knees. 
2. Dandruff. A weekly olive oil hair mask can be just the treatment you need to rid your hair of dandruff. The Health Site recommends massaging olive oil into your scalp using a circular motion with your fingers. Leave the olive oil in your hair for 30 minutes and then wash using your regular, mild shampoo. 
3. Acne. Oil will heal my acne? Yes! According to Healing From Home Remedies, an exfoliating scrub made from 3 tablespoons olive oil and 4 tablespoons salt will cleanse your pores while keeping your skin moist. It is best to use this home remedy 2- 3 times a week. 
4. Snoring. Healing From Home Remedies claims that drinking a teaspoon of straight olive oil right before bed will lubricate a dry throat and prevent snoring. This method is also effective for a scratchy throat from the common cold. 
5. Earache. Drop a bit of warm olive oil in the ear to relieve pain from an earache. This method is also effective for loosening stubborn ear wax, saysHealing From Home Remedies
6. Toothache. Oil pulling is one of the latest health trends. Wellness Mama explains the technique of swishing 1- 2 teaspoons of olive oil in your mouth for up to 20 minutes each morning can actually improve oral health. It can soothe a toothache, make your teeth whiter, and protect against both cavities and gingivitis. 
7. Diaper rash. If your baby suffers from diaper rash, apply a mixture of 2 teaspoons olive oil and 1 teaspoon water on your baby's bottom. Spirit of Health says your baby will feel better in no time. 
8. Prevent gallstones. Gallstones are horribly painful crystalline masses that form in the gall bladder. Peas Health says studies show that daily consumption of olive oil can reduce the risk of gallstones. This is because olive oil reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and gallbladder. It is also rich in antioxidants which prevent the gallstones from forming in the first place. 
Olive oil is delicious and it's good for you! Start using it on everything from dry elbows to aching teeth. And don't forget to use it to cook, bake, and roast.

Natural ways to treat lice

Natural ways to treat lice
Every school child knows the feeling of the school nurse checking his or her head for lice. And every parent certainly knows the dread of learning a child in the school, or his or her own child, has been infected by creepy, crawling lice. But what exactly makes these creatures such menaces? Kids Health explains head lice are tiny insects that make human hair their homes and feed on blood drawn from the scalp. Yuck! 
Lice are mostly harmless. Unlike ticks, they do not spread disease. But they are incredibly irritating and highly contagious. When lice bite, they release saliva. This saliva is what causes itching. The biggest danger with head lice is that scratching opens wounds and leads to bacterial infection. If you notice your child itching his or her head, be sure to check for lice and don't hesitate to use these home remedies to get rid of those creepy, crawling critters! 
1. Olive oil. Olive oil suffocates and kills lice on the spot, The best method is to comb the hair to remove eggs and then massage olive oil into the scalp. Put on a shower cap and let the olive oil seep into the hair and scalp overnight. 
2. Mayonnaise. and moms alike love this home remedy. Coat the full head of hair and massage it into the scalp. Cover the head with a shower cap and let the mayonnaise sit overnight. Wash it out with a mild shampoo in the morning and then using a comb, remove any left-over eggs. 
3. Apple cider vinegar and coconut oil. Mommy Potamusrecommends rinsing lice-infected hair with apple cider vinegar. Once the hair is dry (don't wash out the vinegar!) coat the scalp and hair with coconut oil. Put on a shower cap and let the mixture soak in for a minimum eight hours. Repeat this home remedy once a week for three weeks to make sure you get every last bugger. 
4. Salt and vinegar. This combination is effective in dehydrating and killing lice, says Mommy Potamus. The easiest way to use this home remedy is to pour 1/4 cup salt and 1/4 cup warm water into a spray bottle. Spray the hair and scalp and then allow the mixture to sit until the hair is completely dry. Next, coat the hair and head with coconut or olive oil. Again, this treatment works best if kept in overnight or for a period of eight hours or more. 
5. Tea tree oil. Studies have shown that tea tree oil is amazingly effective in treating lice. To use this home remedy, Mommy Potamus suggests mixing about 20 drops of tea tree oil into 2 teaspoons of your regular shampoo and using the mixture to wash your hair. 
6. Hot coconut oil. Beyond Disease says coconut oil is especially effective in treating lice because it contains lauric acid, which is anti-microbial and protects against secondary infections. The fatty acids in coconut oil are also helpful in suffocating the lice. To use this home remedy, heat coconut oil in a pan or in the microwave. Make sure the oil is hot, but not scalding. Use your fingers to massage the warm oil into the hair. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then use a comb to remove the eggs. 
7. Hair dryer. The heat from a hair dryer is effective in killing 55% of live lice and 98% of lice eggs, claims Beyond Disease. Starting from the scalp and working your way to the ends, hold the dryer on small sections of your hair for 15- 60 seconds. 
8. Onion. Onions are high in sulphur, a chemical thought to effectively kill lice. Beyond Disease, therefore, recommends making a paste out of blended onions. Put the paste into a sieve and extract the juice. Use this liquid to massage your scalp. Cover your hair with a shower cap for at least two hours and then shampoo and dry using a hair dryer. Use this treatment for three days and then once a month for the following two months. 
Lice can be a total pain. And even though they seem to never go away, these home remedies prove that the annoying pests can be defeated! 

Natural remedies to ease pain in knees and joint

Natural remedies to ease pain in knees and joint

Now that summer is upon us, many people are enjoying a more active lifestyle. However, if you suffer from knee and joint pain, chances are you can't participate as much as you would like to. Discomfort in the knees and joints is caused by a variety of factors, such as natural aging or lasting impacts from an injury.
If you suffer from knee and joint pain, know that there is relief for you. Here are a few natural remedies that might help alleviate those pesky aches and pains.
1. Lemon juice. The acid in lemons helps dissolve dead skin. This is whyFoot Vitals recommends soaking feet in lemon juice for ten minutes and then using a loofah to scrub your feet and remove the dry skin. 
2. Olive oil. The moisturizing properties of olive oil can be a lifesaver for dry, cracked feet. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil or lemon to boost the healing effects, says Foot Vitals. Combine your chosen ingredients in a jar and then shake until a milky solution forms. Apply the homemade cream to your cracked heels. 
3. Vaseline. Moisturizing is a common use of Vaseline and other petroleum jelly products. Livestrong recommends massaging Vaseline all over your feet, including the tops and between your toes. For the best effects, apply at night and sleep with cotton socks. This will better allow the Vaseline to soak into your feet. Be sure to rinse your feet in the morning. 
4. Sugar. Livestrong recommends mixing a homemade exfoliating scrub made from equal parts olive oil and brown sugar. Give yourself a foot massage with the sugar scrub. Be sure to focus on the roughest part of your feet. After 10- 15 minutes, rinse your feet under cold water. 
5. Honey. The natural enzymes in honey can heal your feet and help seal in moisture. This is why Livestrong recommends soaking your feet in warm water mixed with honey. After 10- 15 minutes, your feet should feel softer. 
6. Milk. Rapid Home Remedies explains milk is rich in vitamin A and other nutrients that contribute to healthy, glowing skin. It also contains lactic acid, which can shed dead skin cells and promote the growth of new, healthy cells. Make a milk-based foot bath by combining 1 cup milk and 5- 7 cups warm water. 
7. Sesame oil. This powerful oil contains vitamin E and three different kinds of acid. It also has anti-bacterial properties. Rapid Home Remediesrecommends soaking your feet in warm water for 10 minutes and then rubbing your feet with sesame oil. It is best to apply the sesame oil nightly before bed. 
8. Turmeric. This home remedy might turn your feet bright yellow, butRapid Home Remedies promises the miraculous effects are worth the temporary color change! The home remedy is especially powerful for people whose dry feet are caused by infections like athlete's foot. Mix 3 tablespoons turmeric powder in a few drops of coconut oil and apply the solution to cracked feet. Rest for 20- 30 minutes and then wash your feet with warm water and a mild soap

What ancient Indian medicine says about inflammation

What ancient Indian medicine says about inflammation
Inflammation occurs when the body's white blood cells flare up to protect the rest of the body from infection. But sometimes, in autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, the immune system flares up and causes inflammation even when there is no invading body to signal a need for inflammation, says WebMD.
Inflammation can also be caused by food allergies, stress and sitting around a bit too much. It is characterized by joint pain and stiffness and flulike symptoms like fever, chills, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite and muscle stiffness. There are prescription medications to help with arthritis and inflammation, especially in severe cases, but natural home remedies have been used for over 3,000 years in India. Below are eight Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) remedies you can try at home!
1. Keep a stress diary. Ayurvedic medicine is all about treating problems at the source. This is why Spirituality Health recommends recording any time you feel stressed. When you feel stressed, your immune system triggers an inflammatory response. If you can figure out what causes your stress, you can work to decrease the triggers and thus reduce inflammation. Make a note of how your body responds to stress and when you notice inflammation. For example, is your body stiff the day after drinking a lot of milk? This often leads to the discovery of common food allergies, such as gluten, soy and lactose. 
2. Turmeric. This classic Ayurvedic herb is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. Spirituality Health says it is so powerful, studies show it is more effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis than are pharmaceutical drugs. Try it in curries, on eggs or dissolved in a glass of warm milk. 
3. Ginger. This spicy root works miracles against joint pain because it is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Spirituality Health says it may be effective in increasing joint mobility, relieving pain, decreasing swelling and reducing morning stiffness. Get in the habit of drinking fresh ginger tea each morning. 
4. Yogurt. The Chopra Center explains that 60 to 70 percent of your immune system is found in your gut. This is why it is essential you keep your gut happy and healthy. If your gut is unbalanced or upset, it will trigger an inflammatory response. One way to maintain a healthy gut is with probiotics, such as yogurt.
5. Sleep. When you don't get enough shut-eye, the body does not have time to repair and restore itself. This causes your immune system to go into overdrive during your waking hours, and this overdrive leads to inflammation. This is why The Chopra Center recommends sleeping seven  to eight hours nightly to reduce inflammation. 
6. Self massage. A soothing massage is a gift to yourself that helps you relax and works to decrease inflammation. Banyan Botanicalsrecommends giving yourself a 10- to 20-minute massage every single day. Rub your sore joints and achy muscles with 1/2 cup (120 ml) warm sunflower or coconut oil before taking a bath or warm shower.
7. Practice yoga, swim or bike. Banyan Botanicals recommends that people with chronic inflammation do moderate exercise that is soft on the joints, such as yoga, swimming and biking. Aim to exercise five times a week in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler. 
8. Coriander, fennel and cilantro. These herbs are all cooling and help reduce inflammation, explains Banyan Botanicals. They should be part of a diet that also includes naturally sweet, bitter and astringent foods. A good anti-inflammatory dinner is chickpeas cooked with turmeric and tossed with pomegranates, cashews, cilantro and coriander. 
These home remedies have worked for more than 3,000 years in Indian communities practicing Ayurvedic medicine. And they might work for you, too!

Home remedies for dry, cracked feet

Do you suffer from dry, itchy feet? Is the skin on your feet red, rough, or flaky? Do you see cracks in your heels? These are all common symptoms of dry feet. Unfortunately, most people suffer from this problem to some degree or another. The reason for this is because, unlike every other part of the body, skin on the feet has no oil glands. Instead, sweat glands are the only source of moisture. 
Sometimes these sweat glands are not enough to keep feet properly moisturized. Foot Vitals explains common causes of dry feet are non-moisturizing soaps, cold weather, low humidity, sun exposure, hot showers, and aging. Dry feet can be uncomfortable and lead to excessive itching or burning. So don't let the problem go untreated. Try these home remedies today
1. Lemon juice. The acid in lemons helps dissolve dead skin. This is whyFoot Vitals recommends soaking feet in lemon juice for ten minutes and then using a loofah to scrub your feet and remove the dry skin. 
2. Olive oil. The moisturizing properties of olive oil can be a lifesaver for dry, cracked feet. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil or lemon to boost the healing effects, says Foot Vitals. Combine your chosen ingredients in a jar and then shake until a milky solution forms. Apply the homemade cream to your cracked heels. 
3. Vaseline. Moisturizing is a common use of Vaseline and other petroleum jelly products. Livestrong recommends massaging Vaseline all over your feet, including the tops and between your toes. For the best effects, apply at night and sleep with cotton socks. This will better allow the Vaseline to soak into your feet. Be sure to rinse your feet in the morning. 
4. Sugar. Livestrong recommends mixing a homemade exfoliating scrub made from equal parts olive oil and brown sugar. Give yourself a foot massage with the sugar scrub. Be sure to focus on the roughest part of your feet. After 10- 15 minutes, rinse your feet under cold water. 

5. Honey. The natural enzymes in honey can heal your feet and help seal in moisture. This is why Livestrong recommends soaking your feet in warm water mixed with honey. After 10- 15 minutes, your feet should feel softer. 
6. Milk. Rapid Home Remedies explains milk is rich in vitamin A and other nutrients that contribute to healthy, glowing skin. It also contains lactic acid, which can shed dead skin cells and promote the growth of new, healthy cells. Make a milk-based foot bath by combining 1 cup milk and 5- 7 cups warm water. 
7. Sesame oil. This powerful oil contains vitamin E and three different kinds of acid. It also has anti-bacterial properties. Rapid Home Remediesrecommends soaking your feet in warm water for 10 minutes and then rubbing your feet with sesame oil. It is best to apply the sesame oil nightly before bed. 
8. Turmeric. This home remedy might turn your feet bright yellow, butRapid Home Remedies promises the miraculous effects are worth the temporary color change! The home remedy is especially powerful for people whose dry feet are caused by infections like athlete's foot. Mix 3 tablespoons turmeric powder in a few drops of coconut oil and apply the solution to cracked feet. Rest for 20- 30 minutes and then wash your feet with warm water and a mild soap

The benefits of sleeping on your left side

The benefits of sleeping on your left side

Do you ever toss and turn in bed trying to determine which position would be best for you to sleep in? Some people have already determined the answer to that question, but for many, doubt seeps back in every time they have trouble falling asleep. Will you feel more rested on your back? Would lying on your stomach be better? As it turns out, not only do experts say you should stick to your side, but they even recommend a specific one at that.
Dr. John Douillard turns to ayurveda, an alternative form of medicine from India, to explain how sleeping on your left side may be the ideal way to give your body the rest it needs. Here's a few reasons why this side is seemingly the best one for the job.
1. Spine and breathing
Joint Essential explains that unless you take specific measures to ensure proper positioning in bed, you should stick to your side, as it is the least naturally harmful for the spine. Sleeping on your back puts too much pressure on the upper back and hips, and leaves your lower back in a suspended state that is harmful in the long run. Likewise, sleeping on your stomach strains both your lower back and your neck. WebMD adds that sleeping on your side is the best at providing optimal air flow to the lungs.
2. Digestion
The way your intestines travel across your stomach, food waste will be processed faster if you sleep on your left side, Douillard writes on LifeSpa. In that position, food will travel more swiftly from your small intestine to your large intestine, then into the descending colon. It is even recommended to take 10-minute rests lying on your left side after eating to help your meal be better digested and to recover from the dreaded "food coma" quicker.
3. Lymph draining
The majority of the lymphatic system is present on the left side of your body, Douillard explains, and when lymphatic congestion occurs, it is frequently on the left-hand side. So when you sleep on your left side, you're allowing gravity to take some of the pressure of lymph drainage away from your heart and your spleen, both of which are also located on the left side of your body.

These tidbits all point to the left side as the clear winner in the competition — but Dr. Steven Park, sleep professional, tells WebMD that trying to forcefully change the position you sleep in could actually make things worse, as you'll be breaking your sleeping habits. However, if you struggle with finding a position in the first place, give it a try and let us know how you feel in the comments section later!

A warm banana drink before bed can help you get a better night's sleep

A warm banana drink before bed can help you get a better night's sleep

Having a little snack before bed is always very tempting, but it's certainly not the best thing you can do for your body. Of course, you could just settle for the ideal pre-bedtime option, a warm glass of milk — but it's not always the most satisfactory. Now, experts have revealed a certain fruit is packed with nutrients that can help you go to sleep.
LiveStrong has listed the benefits of bananas as nighttime snacks: they're rich in potassium and magnesium, both of which are muscle relaxants of sorts and will help soothe your body. The fruit also contains tryptophan and melatonin, which are both known to promote sleep
The Hearty Soul has a great recipe if you'd rather go for something a little more involved than just a banana. Cut off both ends of a banana and put it in a pot of boiling water, without peeling it. Because the peel is being used in the recipe, it's recommended to use organic, pesticide-free fruit here. Keep the banana boiling for about 10 minutes to obtain delicious banana water, which you can then pour into a mug. The Hearty Soul suggests optionally adding cinnamon to make the drink even more enjoyable. You can still eat the boiled banana — with the peel — after you've used up the water.
If you're looking to kick things up a notch, here's an even yummier recipe that'll satiate your urges and help you get a good night's sleep. Mash bananas up (no peel this time) and add honey. Cook the mixture in a small saucepan on medium heat for 5 minutes. Make sure to stir throughout. Add 1 cup of milk, then a little extra honey and cinnamon. Keep cooking until the honey has dissolved into the mixture. Blend the mixture (but do not fill the blender up more than halfway). While holding down the lid, puree the mix until it has a smooth consistency. Add another half cup of milk and blend again. You'll then have a yummy banana-honey milkshake.

Organic Facts reveals the reason why milk and honey make such a good nighttime snack is their combination results in high amounts of tryptophan being sent to the brain — same as bananas. 

The benefits of turmeric and how to use it in your diet

The benefits of turmeric and how to use it in your diet
Turmeric is a spice typically used in Asian food - and if you've ever had curry you've had tumeric. The spice is used in curry to give it it's renowned warm, bitter taste and color. The spice is used to color many foods actually - including mustard, butters and cheeses. Turmeric has a lot more going for it than it's taste and color though.
Turmeric is derived from the turmeric root plant and it's world renowned for it's all natural healing properties. Turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin which is thought to decrease inflammation. For this reason, turmeric has been used in Chinese and Indian systems of medicine for centuries.
Benefits of turmeric 
Curcumin, which holds the anti inflammatory properties of turmeric, is actually found in the pigment of the spice. WH Foods explains that in some studies, "curcumin's anti-inflammatory effects have been shown to be comparable to the potent drugs hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents such as Motrin". And a major benefit of turmeric is that it is non toxic, so it doesn't produce the same side effects like ulcers, or decreased white blood cell count, which are associated with drugs. 
Because of it's healing properties, turmeric has been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of conditions which include:
according to WebMD and WH Foods 
Itchy skin, colds, headaches, arthritis, heartburn, joint pain, stomach pain, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, bypass surgery, hemorrhage, diarrhea, intestinal gas, stomach bloating, loss of appetite, jaundice, liver problems, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), cystic fibrosis, gallbladder disorders, high cholesterol, a skin condition called lichen planus, skin inflammation from radiation treatment, fatigue.
Sometimes, turmeric is also applied directly to the skin to treat: pain, ringworm, sprains and swellings, bruising, leech bites, eye infections, acne, inflammatory skin conditions and skin sores, soreness inside of the mouth, infected wounds, and gum disease.
6 ways to use turmeric
1. Add this delicious spice to your scrambled eggs and frittatas. 
The Kitchn says just a pinch will add a nice subtle flavor to your eggs, and add a familiar color. For this reason, it's a great way to introduce this healing spice into your diet.
2. Put it in soup.
Today suggests adding 1-2 teaspoons to just about any soup recipe. The turmeric will add a deep golden hue to it, making it taste and look even more delicious.
3. Blend it into a smoothie.
You can use fresh turmeric or ground spice to add a kick of healthy benefits, and just a bit of flavor to your fresh juices or smoothies. The Kitchn says not to worry though - the flavor of the turmeric doesn't overpower the rest of your smoothy because it's masked pretty well by the other ingredients.
4. Make a turmeric tea.
The Kitchn suggests taking turmeric, milk and honey and simmering it in nice hot water to make an earthy tea. You can also add a pinch to any other tea's you make yourself from home.
5. Grate fresh turmeric into your stir fry.
Today says you can add 1-2 teaspoons of freshly grated turmeric to your stir-fry for a punch of added freshness. Simply sprinkle it in while you're sautéing the veggies.
6. Amp up your pumpkin dishes.
Today says adding fresh turmeric to your pumpkin pie, muffins, and bread is going to bring out more amazing flavors in the dish and add a beautiful color. Simply stir in a teaspoon of fresh grated turmeric into your batter, then bake like you normally would


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