Do You Realize What You Have Eaten When Cooking Food In Aluminum Foil?

Do You Realize What You Have Eaten When Cooking Food In Aluminum Foil?   
In case you didn’t know, aluminum is a natural toxic element and you definitely should not use it close to your food. In case you are already using this cooking trick you should quit it right away.

Poisoning with Aluminum
Overexposure to aluminum loads the human body with harmful toxins. Our body is made in a way that allows it to cleanse the toxins on its own. However, the human body has a certain capacity. According to the specialists from the Mount Sinai Hospital, aluminum has a tendency to buildup in the body and lead to harmful aluminum poisoning.
This is a serious health condition that triggers skeletal system pain and aches, muscle cramps and weakness, confusion and attacks and seizures. When children are excessively exposed to aluminum they can experience problems with their growth and development.
This type of poisoning was also linked to respiratory problems, anemia and nervous system disorders. Several scientific studies conducted not while ago have confirmed that exposure to aluminum can lead to defects and deformations in fetuses. This is definitely a product you should avoid.

Aluminum is Used a Lot These Days

Aluminum can be found in our planet’s outer layer. The body doesn’t need any amount of aluminum in order to function properly, yet this potentially toxic metal is found in many foods, pharmaceutical drugs like vitamin supplements, aspirin and other prescription and OTC drugs.
In other words, we are at higher risk of developing aluminum poisoning today than ever before. Remember that this metal is also used in foods and dishes we consume on a daily basis.
In case you are a fan of food preparation with the help of aluminum foil, you should remember that this metal enters the vegetables and meat you prepare and penetrates every body part once we consume these foods. Poisoning with aluminum is frequent in individuals who spend their days in workplaces where they are exposed to high levels of aluminum.

How to Keep Ourselves Safe from Aluminum Poisoning?

Our bodies are able to remove only limited quantity of aluminum. This is the reason why we should avoid this metal as much as we can. So, start this process by introducing new cooking tricks and hacks and consume foods that are free of aluminum. In addition, use cast iron kitchenware instead of aluminum.
Obviously, you should quit cooking your meals in aluminum foil. Eliminate pre-packed and processed foods from your menu too because these foods rely on aluminum as an additive and preservative.
Choose organic and raw foods. In this way you will lower the chances of experiencing aluminum poisoning. Please, share this article with your friends and help them remain healthy.

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