Early signs and symptoms of lung cancer you shouldn't ignore

Early signs and symptoms of lung cancer you shouldn't ignore
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women and the leading cause of cancer death, according to the American Cancer Society. While you may think smokers are the only segment of the population at risk for lung cancer, you may be surprised to know that twenty percent of lung cancer deaths are people who do not smoke. The American Cancer Society explains air pollution, second-hand smoke, radon gas, and cancer-causing agents like asbestos and diesel exhaust are all major risk factors for lung cancer.
The best defense again lung cancer is knowing the early signs and symptoms. The sooner you get to your doctor and the sooner cancer is diagnosed, the better chances for recovery. Continue reading to learn the early signs and symptoms of lung cancer.
1. Frequent illness. If you've noticed an uptick in your frequency of illnesses like cold, flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia, you should talk to your doctor about the possible causes of your depressed immune system. Dr. Kelley says that when cancer settles in lung tissue and bronchial tubes, the lungs become more susceptible to illness.
2. Unexplained weight loss. If you've lost interest in food or feel full quickly after beginning to eat, lung cancer may be taking a toll on your appetite. Dr. Kelley recommends keeping a notebook to record symptoms and possible causes, such as food poisoning, food allergy, PMS in women, or gastrointestinal illness. If the cause is unexplained, bring the issue to your doctor's attention.
3. Finger pain. You may be surprised to know that thickened, painful fingertips are a typical symptom of lung cancer. This is because lung tumors release chemicals into the bloodstream that spur bone and tissue growth in the fingertips and under the fingernails. Dr. Kelley says to tell your doctor about any thickening, swelling, or clubbing in the fingers.
4. Torso pain. If you experience a persistent dull ache in the chest, shoulder, back, or abdomen, you may be experiencing direct pressure from a lung tumor. According to Dr. Kelley, chest pain is a symptom in one out of four lung cancer patients.
5. Hoarse voice. If your voice sounds a bit husky or if you experience pain when swallowing or talking, you may have lung cancer. NHS Choices says this common symptom is a reason to call your doctor, especially when it is accompanied by a persistent cough, wheezing, or coughing up blood.
6. Shortness of breath. This is a common symptom in women that is too often misdiagnosed as a side effect of age or inactivity. But according to Very Well, shortness of breath is a sign of adenocarcinoma, the most common form of lung cancer in women.
7. Weakness in the upper limbs. Very Well explains weakness in the upper limbs, loss of coordination, and muscle cramps are all symptoms of paraneoplastic syndrome, a lung cancer-related condition in which hormone-like substances are secreted by tumors.
8. Breast growth in men. A less talked about symptom in male lung cancer patients is breast enlargement around and under the nipple. Dr. Kelley explains this is a symptom of paraneoplastic syndrome, caused by the release of hormones, proteins and other substances into the blood stream.

What you can use instead of chapstick and recipes to make your own

What you can use instead of chapstick and recipes to make your own
Do you have any idea what's in your chapstick? Live Clear reports many chapsticks contain parabens, linked to breast cancer; BHT, a possible carcinogenic linked with reproductive toxicity; and chemical sunscreens that can alter sperm production in men and cause endometriosis in women.
Avoid these and other dangerous ingredients by making your own chapstick or using simple home remedy alternatives.

1. Shea butter. Found in your neighborhood drugstore, shea butter is a fabulous moisturizer rich in vitamins A, E, K, and F (fatty acids). Beauty Munsta recommends mixing essential oils like sweet orange or geranium into a jar of shea butter to create a delicious smelling substitute.
2. Butter. When you think about it, it makes sense, right? Butter is fatty, which means it is fabulously protective and highly moisturizing. Beauty Munsta says you'll be surprised by how soothing butter can be on chapped lips.
3. Coconut oil. This is a clear go-to. Beauty Munsta touts coconut oil for its cooling effect on chapped lips. If your jar is rock hard in the cool winter months, pop it in the microwave for a few seconds until the oil reaches a lusciously creamy consistency.
4. DIY lip scrub. Make a home remedy for chapped lips from 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil and 1/2 teaspoon brown or white sugar. Gently rub the scrub over chapped lips using circular motions. Rinse your lips with warm water, pat dry, and immediately moisturize with coconut oil. Livestrong says this is a final step after hydrating and stopping licking your lips to treating chapped chops.

5. Honey. The only danger with this home remedy is licking it off too quickly for it to work. According to Beauty Munsta, honey seals in moisture and has the added benefit of adding serious shine to your lips.

6. Castor oil. You're likely to have castor oil in your pantry. The thick density of castor oil makes it ideal for healing deep, painful cracks. Beauty Musta says a single drop can work wonders.
7. DIY lip rescue. Beautiful Healthy Mom uses organic honey, olive oil, and cocoa butter to make a healing lip rescue without beeswax or vaseline. The beauty of this recipe is that you're likely to be able to make it right now with ingredients you have at home. See the video below for more details

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Which Techniques Help Overcome Premature Ejaculation?

Which Techniques Help Overcome Premature Ejaculation?
As many as one in five men experience difficulty with uncontrolled and early ejaculation at some point of time in their lives. It occurs when a man reaches orgasm and ejaculates too quickly, without any control.
 Causes of Premature Ejaculation :
 Hormonal imbalance 
Thyroid problems
 Inflammation and infection of urethra 
Abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system
 Erectile dysfunction 
Techniques To Treat Premature Ejaculation
  Stop and Start Method
  Reach a state of sexual excitement through foreplay or while masturbating.
 As you approach climax, stop stimulation and take some deep relaxing breaths.
 Once you overcome the urge to climax, relax and repeat the process.

 This training will help you recognize when your body is ready to reach orgasm and time your breathing and relaxation techniques.
 Continuous training will help you manage your ejaculation better over time.
 Kegel Exercise
 These exercises target the key pelvic floor muscles.
 Best way to identify these muscles is while urinating.
 While being seated on a toilet seat,
stop the urine flow for a few secs (around 10 secs.) and release.
 Repeat this several times which will exercise these intricate muscles.
Use the same technique of squeezing these muscles when you feel you are approaching orgasm during intercourse or while masturbating.
  A similar Yoga technique called Ashwini Mudra, which is done by contracting the anal sphincter muscles in a rhythmic manner,
is also beneficial for strengthening pelvic floor muscles.
  Squeeze Method  Trending Articles  New Research Shows Physical Activity Can Improve Bone Health Even small amounts of physical activity can improve bone health in pre-menopausal women, according to a research study…
  While nearing the point of orgasm squeeze the end of your penis, at the point where the head (glans) joins the shaft.
Once the urge to ejaculate is gone, wait for 20 to 30 seconds, and then continue.
 Condoms  Sounds too simple to be true yet many men will vouch that this works best for them. Condoms can reduce sensitivity and delay the urge to ejaculate. Stay away from extra thin condoms and stick to a thicker grade condom.
 You can also try condoms coated with a slight numbing gel on the inside; this can help you put off ejaculation even longer (just make sure you know which side is where when you put it on).
 Deep Breathing  Let go off your anxieties by trying deep breathing techniques.
 Inhale deeply for 5 seconds, hold it for about 3 seconds and then exhale for five seconds.
 Repeat this gradually from 2 minutes to 5 minutes.
 Connect more intimately with your partner by flowing with his/her breathing patterns and rhythms.  Foreplay  Most men end up focusing on intercourse more than the sexual pleasures that can be derived from a longer and more intimate foreplay.
A longer foreplay help reduce dissatisfaction, frustration and performance-related anxiety. Enjoy the act and make it into a relaxing and pleasurable time together.  Changing Positions  What most men don’t realize is that positions matter how quickly you can reach your orgasms.
“Passive” positions like sleeping under your partner or spooning (sleeping side-by-side) put far lesser strain on your penis glans than “active” positions like missionary or rear-entry positions.

  Yoga Asanas
  These help strengthen the pelvic and back muscles and increase blood circulation to the pelvic region.  Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose)  Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose) Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose) Bhaddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose)  Bhaddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose) Bhaddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose) Gomukhasana (Cow Head Pose)  Gomukhasana (Cow Head Pose) Gomukhasana (Cow Head Pose) Ardha Bhujangasana (Half Cobra Pose)  Ardha Bhujangasana (Half Cobra Pose)

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