7 natural ways to whiten your teeth at home (that don't require a trip to the dentist)

7 natural ways to whiten your teeth at home (that don't require a trip to the dentist)
Yellow teeth are not something anybody wants, and yet many people suffer from discoloration caused by a number of reasons. According to WebMD, the most typical causes for yellow teeth include food and drinks, tobacco use, poor hygiene, natural aging, genetics and medical conditions. 
While some things such as genetics or medical conditions can make it difficult for you to prevent discoloration, there are some natural remedies that can whiten your teeth at home. Forget a costly trip to the dentist for whitening treatments. Try these home remedies
1. Charcoal
You probably didn't expect to see this on the list! According to an article from Prevention, activated charcoal is a great solution for removing stains from you teeth. Simply brush your teeth with crushed activated charcoal and allow its adhesive qualities to remove coffee, soda and other stains from your teeth. Be aware that this method can only remove staining and not whiten naturally darker teeth. Also, activated charcoal has not been evaluated by the American Dental Association for safety, and there are concerns that it might wear away tooth enamel.
2. Use a Straw
Constantly exposing your teeth to certain foods and beverages can break down the enamel and make them more susceptible to staining. Natural Society suggests using a straw can help protect your teeth from overexposure to stain-causing drinks such as red wine, coffee, tea and soda. 
3. Banana Peel
An article from SheKnows indicates that rubbing a banana peel on your teeth can help with discoloration. The natural minerals such as potassium and magnesium that are found in the fruit's peel purportedly work to strengthen and protect teeth. 
4. Coconut Oil
Everyday Roots indicates that the natural lauric acid found in coconut oil helps fight bacteria that causes plaque to build up on teeth and discolor them. Rinsing your mouth with coconut oil for 10 to 15 minutes -- known as oil pulling -- can also help promote gum health. 
5. Strawberries
Not only are strawberries a healthy snack, but they also can help protect teeth and promote whitening. Everyday Roots indicates that the vitamin C helps break down plaque and prevent discoloration. Strawberries also have malic acid, which fights against surface stains. 
6. Flossing
Regular flossing can help remove bacteria and plaque that can cause discoloration. It is recommended to floss after each meal. 
7. Baking Soda and Lemon
The combination of baking soda and lemon creates a chemical reaction that leads to a great teeth whitening effect. According to Natural Society, you should only brush with this solution once per week, as the acid from the lemon can wear away tooth enamel.

Wrap your feet in cabbage and see the surprising results!

Wrap your feet in cabbage and see the surprising results! 

We all know the pain and discomfort of swollen feet. Whether from a plane ride or pregnancy, an injury or simply standing too long, swollen feet is a common ailment. Beyond throwing yourself on your bed after a long day, there are a number of home remedies that can bring much needed relief. 
It is important to note that swollen feet, when accompanied by other symptoms like high blood pressure, change in skin color, or a fever, can be a sign of a much bigger problem. If swollen feet is just one of your symptoms, it is important to call a doctor. Otherwise, grab a package of Epsom salts and a bottle of water. Relief is just moments away! 
1. Epsom Salt Soak. Pour a few cups of Epsom salts into a shallow bucket or bathtub full of water and relax as your fatigued feet soak for 15- 20 minutes. According to Active Beat, Epsom salts help reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. They also rid feet of odor and soothe dry skin.
2. Baking powder paste. Make a soothing ointment for your feet using ingredients guaranteed to be in your pantry. Let How recommends boiling rice with two tablespoons of baking powder. Once the solution has cooled, apply the resulting paste to your swollen feet. 
3. Tonic water soak. Tonic water is made with quinine, a natural anti-inflammatory. Soaking your feet in tonic water that is either cold or at room temperature can provide magical relief, according to Naturalon. Plus, the bubbly carbonation has a nice tingly effect that will bring life back to your tired feet. 
4. Drink water. Sometimes something as simple as drinking water can be all you need to solve a health issue. According to Active Beat, when your body does not get enough water, it starts to retain its own. This can lead to swollen feet. If you drink eight to ten glasses of water a day, you will flush toxins from your body and prevent swelling from dehydration. 
5. Cabbage wrap. Cool white or green cabbage leaves in the freezer until they are chilled but still pliable. Wrap them around your swollen feet and sit with your feet elevated for 30 minutes. The cabbage will draw out excess fluid and bring relief to your sore feet, according to Let How
6. Eucalyptus foot bath. Eucalyptus has properties that reduce swelling and relieve pain, according to Active Beat. Add a few drops to a foot bath and soak your feet for 15- 20 minutes. You can also add anti-inflammatory essential oils like chamomile and lavender. Not only will your feet feel better, but you will also feel relaxed as a result of the soothing aromas.
7. Cold compress. Ice is an age-old remedy for swelling and pain reduction. Wrap ice cubes or crushed ice in a wet towel and apply the cold compress directly to the swollen areas, according to Let How. You will feel relief in no time. 
8. Magnesium supplements. The mineral magnesium is essential for good blood circulation, according to Ayurvedic Cure. If you think a magnesium deficiency, and thus poor blood circulation, is the cause of your swollen feet, you can take a supplement of 200 mg twice daily. It is also a good idea to eat more magnesium-rich foods, such as dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, fish and avocado, according to Everyday Health
By applying one or more of these home remedies, you will soon find relief for your tired, swollen feet. 
How do YOU treat swollen feet? Tell us and SHARE this article on social media!

How you can treat a painful stye without special medication – and prevent another

How you can treat a painful stye without special medication – and prevent another

A stye in the eye can be irritating and painful. According to All About Vision, a stye is an infection in an oil gland at the edge of the eyelid. Ouch!
Styes can occur inside or outside the eyelid and often resemble a little pimple. The bacteria that causes styes is found in the nose, which is why it is important to wash your hands after blowing or touching your nose. If you happen to forget and then rub your eye, you are likely to develop a stye.
It is further important to know that styes are contagious. Therefore, if you have a stye, be extra careful not to share pillowcases or washcloths. And ladies, it's going to hurt, but you must toss all eye makeup. Your existing makeup is likely infected with the stye-causing bacteria and using it after the stye has healed will only cause another to occur.
According to Healthline, one of the best ways to treat a stye is to place adamp, warm washcloth over the eye for 5- 10 minutes. Continue treatment 3 or 4 times daily until the stye heals. An alternative method to this treatment is to sit back and relax with a teabag over the eyelid.Bustle say this works because tea is an antioxidant with serious anti-bacterial properties. Because styes are caused by bacterial infections, the tea is effective in fighting the infection.
Bustle further recommends treating the stye with a mixture of castor oil and turmeric. The solution is a potent anti-inflammatory that when applied directly to the stye can speed up recovery.
Healthline says you may also find it useful to clean the eyelid. To do this safely and pain-free, mix tear free baby shampoo with warm water. Use a cotton swab or clean washcloth to gently wipe the eyelid with the mixture

You're throwing away the best part of the banana. Here's what it can do for your body

You're throwing away the best part of the banana. Here's what it can do for your bod

Enjoying a banana? Wait! Don't toss the peel!
According to StyleCraze, nutrient-rich banana peels contain high concentrations of vitamins B6 and B12, as well as magnesium and potassium.
StyleCraze says that banana peel can be used to whiten teeth, remove warts, heal acne and reduce wrinkles, among other uses. In the below video, Ela Gale demonstrates her five favorite uses for banana peel.

home made Helicopter

home made Helicopter

Incredible benefits and uses of dandelions

Incredible benefits and uses of dandelions
If you have a green thumb, you may hate those pesky yellow flowers sprouting roots in your front yard, but dandelions may actually be of use. According to Healthline, these flowers have been used in natural medicine for years. 
The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that this flowering weed contains high levels of Vitamins A, B,C and D. In addition to those vitamins, you'll get a healthy serving of iron, potassium and zinc from dandelions. You can enjoy dandelions by eating them or boiling them to get a tea. 
Liver support:
Native American tradition and traditional Chinese medicine consumed dandelions for better liver health, heartburn and the easing of tummy troubles, notes the University of Maryland Medical Center. It is also a diuretic and has been typically used when ridding the body of excess fluid can be helpful, such as with liver conditions or high blood pressure. 
Women's Health:
Its ability to aid the body's natural detoxifying mechanism as well the high magnesium and zinc content also makes dandelion a popular aid for women's health. Wellness Mama touts the benefits of dandelion for a range of health issues including urinary tract infections, mastitis, hormone imbalance and to maintain healthy skin. 
Dandelions aren't just great to ingest. Try these other uses of dandelion: 
Ease pain:
You can create a poultice, or paste, from dandelions. Apply the paste to sores, boils and abscesses to help speed the healing process and ease pain symptoms naturally. Infuse the oil by filling a jar with fresh dandelions, pouring a base oil (like olive) over the dandelions until the jar is full, and then storing the oil in a warm place for two weeks. Strain and store the infused oil in the fridge between uses, according to Viral Alternative News. 
Rub this oil on sore muscles or joints to help ease pain and reduce swelling. 
Removing warts:
Viral Alternative News suggests applying sap from the root of the dandelion to warts several times per day. Regular application should help eliminate warts completely. 
Fertilize your yard
Perhaps a little ironically, the dandelion can be used to make an effective fertilizer. Place the dandelions (including roots and leaves) into a bucket. Add 8 cups of water for every pound of dandelions you have. Cover the bucket with a snug lid and allow it to sit for 2 to 4 weeks.  
After a few weeks, strain the liquid to remove the fermented weeds (it's going to smell funky), dilute with 1 part weed juice to 10 parts water. Spray this on your plants to help them grow like weeds, according to The Master Gardeners. 
A word of caution:
Dandelions are often the first food of the season for bees, so make sure to leave a few in your yard so they have something to eat too. In addition, dandelions can interact poorly with blood thinners, insulin and diuretics, so use caution if you take any of these medications, UMMU warns. 
Have you ever tried eating dandelions? What did you think? Tell us in the comments below.

If you see this weed, don't try and kill it. Here's what it can do for your body

If you see this weed, don't try and kill it. Here's what it can do for your body
When you think about weeds, you most likely think about picking out or killing plants that invade your garden and pop up between the cracks of stones. What you might not know is that there are quite a few weeds with some major health benefits.
Anthony, of Revolution of Thought, discusses in the Youtube video below the health benefits of a plant sometimes called purslane, other times known as pigweed or little hogweed. Purslane can be found just about anywhere and is a super healthy food that contains vitamins A and C, as well as B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and zinc. It has been used throughout history to help with digestion and heal bug bites
Alfalfa is yet another "weed" with spectacular health benefits. It is found in both rural and urban areas, says Edible Wild Food. Both the shoots and leaves are edible and can be consumed raw or cooked. According to Global Healing Center, the alfalfa leaf has long been used to detox the urinary tract, purify the blood and liver, aid digestion, and lower cholesterol.
Dandelion is a beautiful, yet invasive species that grows everywhere from rocky hillsides to manicured front lawns. Before you rip those yellow flowers out of the ground, consider their health benefits. Edible Wild Foodsays just 1 cup of dandelion greens contains more than your daily recommended intake of vitamin A and more than 5 times that of vitamin K.
Milk thistle is a fantastic treatment for liver and gall bladder disease. It has been used to save people from mushroom poisoning and even to aid people fighting alcoholism. It grows in dry, rocky soils and can be consumed raw or cooked, says Edible Wild Food.
St. John's Wort is an attractive "weed" with bright yellow flowers featuring dots both dark and transparent. These pretty flowers are also healing. They are a natural pain reliever, antiseptic, diuretic, and sedative. St. John's Wort is sometimes used to treat depression, says Edible Wild Food, and can be found in sunny fields and pastures worldwide.
Purslane, alfalfa, dandelion, milk thistle, and St. John's Wort represent a small fraction of weeds with serious health benefits. Others include sweet rocket, stinging nettle, bugleweed, catnip, burdock, elderberry, chamomile, horsetail, marsh marigold, and milkweed. Next time you see a weed growing in your garden, try to identify it and find out if it is good for you.
Which weeds do you consume? Tell us and SHARE this article on social media

5 Exercises for a Defined and Muscular Jawline

The first thing people notice about you is your face, so it’s not surprising that as a society we’re preoccupied with wanting to look our best. Research actually shows that attractiveness is very important to humans. Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re often judging people based on their looks.

This might have something to do with evolution. Certain facial traits that look particularly masculine or feminine might be how our ancestors were able to tell if a mate was healthy and fertile. Studies have shown that women tend to prefer men who have a strong, muscular jawline. Just think about Superman and the leading male actors — from Christopher Reeve to Henry Cavill — who have played the comic book hero.
To improve overall appearance, diet and exercise to encourage fat loss is ideal. These done in combination with the above exercises will have your jawline looking better than ever.
Dr. Schreiber
As men and women age, the shape of their face goes through changes. Your jawline may become less defined if there is extra fat in the neck and jaw area, or if the muscles have begun to shrink. While you can’t totally fight aging or genetics, there are some things you can to do to improve the look of your jawline. Exercising the jaw muscles helps build them up and give your jaw a more defined look.
To find exercises that work, we consulted two experts. Dr. Scott Michael Schreiber is a chiropractic physician who is double board-certified in rehabilitation and clinical nutrition. Cristina Osorio is a TruFusion yoga instructor.

How the exercises help your jawline

According to Dr. Schreiber, the front neck muscles are often underdeveloped, inhibited, and almost never exercised in a gym or therapy setting. “They can be a major cause of a droopy neck and a hidden cause of neck pain,” he says. The muscles he’s talking about attach from the sternum and collar bone (clavicle) to various parts of the jaw bone (mandible).
Exercises 1 and 2 are from Dr. Schreiber and 3 to 5 are from Cristina Osorio. Dr. Schreiber says that with the proper form, “These exercises should not only sharpen the jawline, but also prevent neck pain, headaches, and jaw pain.” He warns that if you feel pain, you should stop right away. This likely means you’re not using correct form and could hurt yourself.

1. Neck curlup

Think of this as an abdominal curl for your neck. It’s done lying on your back with the tongue pressed on the roof of the mouth. This activates the front neck muscles.
Neck Curlup

  1. Bring your chin to your chest and then lift your head off of the ground about 2 inches. Don’t lift your stomach and don’t poke your chin out.
  2. Start by doing 3 sets for 10 repetitions and gradually build up to more.
  3. Take your time because these muscles are often underdeveloped and can cause neck strain if you try too much too fast.

2. Collar bone backup

This can be done seated, standing, or lying down on your back.
Collarbone backup
  1. Keeping your head level with the floor, bring your head back several inches to feel muscles on either side of your throat contract and relax.
  2. Start with 3 sets of 10 repetitions at first, and then progress to holding the position for more than 30 seconds.
  3. Make sure that your ears stay over your shoulders and your head stays level.

3. Tongue twister

This exercise will target the muscles underneath the chin.
Tongue twister
  1. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth directly behind your teeth.
  2. Press your tongue to completely close the roof of your mouth and add tension.
  3. Begin humming and making a vibrating sound. This will activate the muscles.
  4. Complete 3 sets of 15.

4. Vowel sounds

These movements target the muscles around the mouth and on the sides of the lips.
Vowel Sounds
  1. Open your mouth wide then say “O,” followed by “E.”
  2. Be sure to exaggerate these sounds and movements and not show or touch your teeth.
  3. Perform 3 sets of 15.

5. Chinup

This exercise helps lift the face and chin muscles.
  1. With your mouth closed, push your lower jaw out and lift your lower lip.
  2. You should feel a stretch build just under the chin and in the jawline.
  3. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds, then relax.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 15.

Other things you can do

Eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting regular exercise goes a long way toward keeping you looking younger. If you feel that extra weight gain is contributing to the change in shape around your jawline, making lifestyle changes can help.


While facial exercises can be very helpful in maintaining the neck and facial muscles and keeping the jawline sharper, they aren’t a fix-all.
In order to look and feel healthy, you’ll also need to practice good eating habits and exercise regularly. 

The incredible benefits and uses of bay leaves

The incredible benefits and uses of bay leaves
A good cook knows the secret to a rich and delicious soup or stew: bay leaf. The aromatic, olive-green herb is often credited with giving a dish the subtle intensity and depth that makes a meal particularly memorable. Not only do bay leaves taste good, but they are also good for you.
According to Organic Facts, bay leaf has properties that are detoxifying and slow aging. The herb also fights bacterial infections and improves everything from respiratory issues to heart health. It is a powerful herb, from which everyone can benefit. Continue reading to find out the best way to make bay leaf a part of your everyday lifestyle!
1. Anxiety and fatigue. The combination of chemicals in bay leaf produce a calming, psychedelic effect when burned. Simple Organic Lifeexplains all you need to do is light a couple dried bay leaves in the same way one would incense. As you breathe in the vapors, you will fall into a relaxed, yet alert, state of mind. The best part of burning bay leaf is that it doesn't make you sleepy, but instead wakes you up and banishes fatigue.
2. Respiratory system. Ayurvedic Oils says bay leaf is a stimulant for respiratory passages and can help dislodge phlegm and mucus in the lungs. The best way to heal your respiratory system with bay leaf is toinhale steam treated with bay leaf in the form of fresh or dried leaves, or oil. You can also massage bay leaf oil onto your chest to treat allergies and asthma.
3. Dandruff. To treat dandruff, mix it with warmed jojoba oil. Massage the warm home treatment into your scalp, wrap your head in a towel, and rest for 15 to 60 minutes. Ayurvedic Oils says you can also add a few drops of bay leaf oil to your daily shampoo in order to fight dandruff.
4. Diabetes. An article jointly published by the NWFP Agricultural University in Peshawar, Pakistan and the USDA Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center found bay leaf to be an effective treatment for people with type 2 diabetes. The study showed that consuming just 3 grams of bay leaf per day can decrease glucose levels.
5. Digestion. Cultures from the Mediterranean to East Asia which use alternative medicine believe in the heating and healing power of bay leaf. According to Ayurvedic Oils, bay leaf boosts the "digestive fire." Include bay leaf in your cooking or rub bay leaf oil on your stomach after eating to promote the secretion of digestive juices, enzymes, and bile.
6. Heart health. An organic compound found in bay leaf called caffeic acid is known to strengthen capillary walls in the heart, reports Organic Facts. It also helps eliminate bad cholesterol from the cardiovascular system. Include the herb in your cooking. This recipe for salmon wrapped in bay leaf is especially heart healthy.
7. Joint inflammation. A 2003 study published in Phytotherapy Research found the anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties of bay leaf essential oil have comparable effects as anti-inflammatory drugs like morphine on inflammation throughout the body. To relieve pain, rub bay leaf essential oil on sore joints and use bay leaf as part of your regular diet.
8. Urinary infections. Drinking powdered bay leaf mixed with milk is an ages old treatment for urinary infections, says Ayurvedic Oils.
Bay leaf is an all-powerful miracle herb. It is inexpensive and widely available anywhere herbs are sold. Try adding a few leaves to your next soup, vegetable, or meat dish. And don't forget to try bay leaf essential oil to treat dandruff, respiratory problems, and inflammation

8 natural ways to treat rosacea

8 natural ways to treat rosacea
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and the formation of pimples. According to the Mayo Clinic, the exact cause of rosacea is unknown. However, it is suspected to be linked to hereditary and environmental factors such as exposure to sunlight or participating in strenuous activity. It has been reported that leaving the symptoms untreated will likely worsen the condition over time. 
While there is no cure for this skin problem, there are options for treating it and curbing the symptoms. Let’s take a look at some simple home remedies that you can do to help soothe your skin. You may be surprised at how easy they are
1. Oatmeal
The calming properties of oatmeal make it a good choice for relieving symptoms of rosacea. According to an article from Natural Alternative Remedy, oatmeal is known for reducing redness and soothing skin. It can also work as a gentle exfoliate.
To use oatmeal to relieve your symptoms, mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with enough water to form a face. Apply directly to the troubled area. 
2. Aloe vera
Very Well describes aloe vera as a trusted treatment for rosacea. The anti-inflammatory properties help soothe skin and promote healing. It is suggested to apply the gel from the plant directly to the skin two times per week.

3. Stress management
A trigger for rosacea can be stress-induced. If you discover a link between your stress levels and the amount of redness on your face, then you should try to relax. Consider participating in calming activities such as yoga, breathing techniques or even exercising. Stress can play a huge role in your overall health and in some cases can impact your skin. Reducing the tension and anxiety in your life could prove beneficial. 
4. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is shown to have a number of health benefits. According to a blog by AnnMarie, coconut oil can be used topically or ingested to reduce swelling and promote the growth of healthy skin tissue. 
5. Honey
Honey has been used throughout the ages for many health and skin conditions. The soothing properties coupled with the repairing enzymes and bacteria-fighting ability make this a perfect option for treating rosacea. To use, apply raw honey directly on the skin. 
6. Tea tree oil
Natural Alternative Remedy indicates that the anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of tea tree oil can be beneficial for people who have rosacea and other skin conditions. You can apply the oil directly to the impacted area of your skin. 
7. Apple cider vinegar 
Earth Clinic indicates that using apple cider vinegar can help promote healthier skin. The anti-inflammatory properties found in the cider can contribute to reducing redness and calm the skin. You can choose to drink two tablespoons before meals each day  or apply it to your skin. 
8. Cucumber
The cooling effect of cucumber can help relieve skin. According to Natural Alternative Remedy, using cucumber mask on your face can reduce the appearance of redness and bumps. 
Ready to try these out? Don't forget to share with your friends to see what they think

10 natural moisturizers to treat dry, thirsty skin

10 natural moisturizers to treat dry, thirsty skin
Is dry skin causing you problems? Not to worry, according to Web MD, dry skin is not necessarily the sign of a bigger issue. Sometimes dry skin, is well, just dry skin. However, there is a number of contributing factors such as sun exposure, natural aging, and even your diet. 
There are a ton of over-the-counter creams that are available for purchase, but sometimes those options can cause even more problems, especially for people who have sensitive skin. Let’s take a look at some of the tried and true natural methods that some people have said helped improve their dry skin. Most of these things you’ll find in your cupboard. Read on to learn more
1. Mayonnaise
According to an article from beautymunsta, mayonnaise is rich in eggs and oils. This is like a dream come true for your skin! The natural hydrating properties help to preserve moisture in your dry skin cells. It only takes one tablespoon of mayonnaise left on your skin for ten minutes to make it soft and smooth. 
2. Milk
Is your skin scaly and itchy? Milk will do the trick. An article fromTreehugger indicates that milk is an excellent resource for nourishing your skin because it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe itchy, dry skin. To use, dab a washcloth in milk and blot on your skin. Allow it to set for five minutes before rinsing away. Just like that, your skin is on its way to repair! 
3. Water
If your skin is severely dry then drinking water could help. However, an article from Prevention warns that drinking water should not be substituted for applying a good moisturizer. 
4. Shortening 
An article from Prevention indicates that slathering your skin in shortening and covering it overnight will moisturize your skin. To prep your skin, you should soak in a warm bath until you are pruned. Be sure to cover your skin with socks and pajamas to reduce the mess in your bed!
5. Honey
Treehugger reminds us of the benefits of honey. Not only does it work to cleanse the skin of harmful bacteria, but the soothing properties help repair damaged skin. Honey can also work as a moisturizer. Apply raw honey to the troubled area and allow it to settle for five to ten minutes before removing. 
6. Oatmeal
Oatmeal works as a gentle exfoliate. A buildup of dead skin cells on the skin can block the skin from getting proper moisture. Mix a few tablespoons of oatmeal with enough water to make a paste. Rub it on your skin to gently remove the dry cells. 
7. Avocado 
The fatty acids and vitamins found in avocado can replenish skin. According to Top 10 Home Remedies, the high Vitamin A content helps restore the skin and keep it silky smooth. Simply crush up an avocado, apply it to your skin and all it to set for five to ten minutes. This is such a mild method that it can be used daily. 
8. Yogurt
Yogurt is packed full of benefits for your skin. Top 10 Home Remedies says that yogurt has anti-inflammatory properties that relieve dry skin. Plus, the lactic acid works to remove germs and bacteria that can cause dry skin. You can cover your face, hands, and feet with yogurt and allow it to set 10 minutes before washing away. 
9. Coconut Oil 
Coconut oil works to gently moisturize skin. Top 10 Home Remedies indicates that coconut is useful because of the fatty acids. Apply liberally to your skin and allow it to settle overnight before washing way in the morning. Your skin will feel soft and smooth. 
10. Aloe Vera 
Aloe vera works to soothe dry and damaged skin. Top 10 Home Remediesindicates that the anti-fungal and antiseptic properties work to repair damaged skin and coating your skin in the thick gel will provide a layer of protection. 
Don’t suffer from dry skin! Try out one of these natural remedies today. Share with your friends to see what works for them


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